News and general information

What is the "Partnership-Odra"?

The "Partnership-Oder" is an informal, interregional network in which the Wielkopolska, West Pomeranian, Lower Silesian and Lubuskie provinces and the German states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Saxony cooperate on a project basis. The goal of this cross-border initiative is to build an effective regional community that integrates the Oder region both politically and in terms of infrastructure, and to create a dynamic economic area that cooperates in as many fields as possible.

(3) Dresden meeting (September 2024)

The third and the last meeting n 2024 took place on June 11 and June 2024 in the capital of Saxony - Dresden. During the meetings, activities related to the program were discussed as usual: launching a new project website and promotional plans on the Arab market. On the second day, presentations from Poland and Germany visited two hospitals in Dresden and gave presentations on the organization of international service provision.  

(2) Meeting in Poznań (June 2024)

Kolejne spotkanie w ramach projektu „Partnerstwo Odra: Sieć Turystyki Medycznej”,  odbyło się w dniach 6 i 7 czerwca 2024 r. w Poznaniu. Program przewidywał zarówno wymianę informacji z nowymi i znanymi partnerami, aktualne wiadomości o projekcie, jak i oprowadzanie po placówkach medycznych oraz seminarium na temat turystyki medycznej. 

(2) Meeting in Berlin (February 2024)

On February 1 and 2, 2024, Berlin hosted the official kick-off event for the project "Oder Partnership: Medical Tourism Network", during which the main objectives of the project, the operators on the German and Polish sides, the participating entities, and the team of experts leading the project were presented.

The first day was devoted to presentations and B2B meetings of the participants. A  total of 51 people attended the conference, including 33 from Germany and 18 from Poland. The conference part was followed by a session of 15 min meetings.

On the second day participants first visited the Sporthopaedicum clinic, which specializes in orthopedic procedures, followed by one of the facilities of the Helios Klinikum network. During the tour of the clinic, the clinic's offerings were presented, as well as the structure and procedures related to serving medical tourists, especially those from abroad.

The next meeting is planned for April in Poznan.

 Kick-off meeting (I.2024).

The project's first kick-off meeting, where you can learn more about the project and the organizers and meet the partners in person, will be held on February 1 and 2, 2024 in Berlin. You can register for the event until January 25 at the link:

Kick-Off-Veranstaltung / Wydarzenie inauguracyjne |   / organizers reserve the right to invite selected entities.

On the site you will also find a detailed program of the event.

General information (IX.2023 r.) 

September 2024 marked the launch of the project "Partnership Oder - Medical Tourism Network," which aims to strengthen cooperation in medical tourism between Polish and German regions along the Oder River in the first stage, and in the next stage to create the entire Oder region as a competitive medical tourism destination. Key project activities include partner visits, providing information on medical tourism, creating a new website in Polish, German, English and Arabic, social media activities, and presenting the Oder region's medical tourism offer at trade fairs relevant to the target group. To implement the defined activities, visitBerlin commissioned a Polish and German partner to work together in an official procedure. The PROTURMED Foundation of Poland and the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences of Germany were selected as partner institutions.

Participation in this project is intended to increase the recognition of wellness and spa facilities, clinics, and hospitals on international markets. Participation in the project is free of charge. Facilities from the Greater Poland, West Pomeranian, Lower Silesian, and Lubusz Voivodeships and the German states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Saxony are invited. If you are interested in the project, please send information to: from the Proturmed Foundation.


Polish partner institution PROTURMED

dr Anna Białk-Wolf / / tel: 513-773-548