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Fundacja Proturmed

Funding for the HoReCa industry - development of health-promoting services

Dofinansowanie dla branży HoReCa – nowe rozdanie od lipca 2024 

A call for applications for a grant program designed for the HoReCa sector to subsidize new services, including health-oriented services, opens on May 6, 2024.

The funding is organized by Polish Agency for Enterprise Development

Grant amount

  • Funding of up to 90% of the investment,
  • amount of funding up to PLN 540 thousand (600 thousand is the value of the entire project).

Who can receive support?

O wsparcie na realizację przedsięwzięć MŚP mogą ubiegać się mikro, małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa z sektora HoReCa, turystyka lub kultura, które w latach 2020 lub 2021 odnotowały spadek obrotów w wysokości co najmniej 20 % liczony rok do roku. Wnioskodawca na dzień złożenia wniosku musi prowadzić działalność gospodarczą w sektorze HoReCa, turystyka lub kultura oraz potwierdzić, że na dzień 31 grudnia 2019 lub najpóźniej od 20 marca 2020 r. prowadził działalność gospodarczą w sektorze (HoReCa), turystyka, kultura.

Belonging to the HoReCa sector is determined by having a relevant PAC covering hotel, catering and food services.

What the support can be used for:

- Investments in the service or production base, including, for example, construction works, construction of new production lines, purchase of machinery and equipment, necessary for the introduction of new products/services, investments related to green transformation, also activities related to the use of digital technologies and

- Upgrading employee skills, including, for example, training related to the acquisition of new skills or retraining of employees, or

- Development services for supported SMEs, including, for example, the development of a feasibility study, business model, and development of technical procedures.

Proturmed proposal

Within the framework of cooperation, we propose to develop together with you the possibility of offering new health-promoting services, together with the selection of the necessary infrastructure and equipment, and to prepare and submit an appropriate application for funding.

As Proturmed, we have the necessary competence to carry out this task. For years, we have been involved in the development and promotion of health services, we follow national and global trends in this area, and we work with a proven company that writes grant applications.

If you are interested I will send more details or be happy to arrange a consultation.